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Financial Secretary
Deputy Financial Secretary
Press Releases
Major Speeches
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Important notices
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My Blog
Make Good Use of Market Resources to Accelerate Economic Development
Promoting Creative Economy with Hong Kong Brand
The Golden Snake Brings Auspicious Blessings
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2025
Reinforcing Connectivity and Broadening Friendships
Capitalising on Hong Kong's Advantages to Seize New Opportunities
Striving for Development and Using Resources Wisely
Heading Towards the New Year
Capitalising on Core Advantages and Reinforcing Connectivity
Make Wise Use of Resources and Team Up for a Brighter Future
A Taste of Hong Kong with Design
Expanding Connections and Strengthening Our Hub Status
Accelerating Growth of Innovation and Technology Ecosystem
Ten Years of Mutual Market Access
Expanding Partnerships and Deepening Connections
Visiting Saudi Arabia again
A New Chapter of Hong Kong-Middle East Cooperation in Finance and Innovation
Embracing Changes to Open up New Growth Areas
Institutional Innovation Brings Mutual Benefits
Opening up New Markets with Reforms and Innovation
Visit to Madrid and London
Creating New Opportunities through Cooperation
Leveraging Our Financial Strengths to Promote High-quality Development
Enhancing Understanding and Strengthening Co-operation
My Visit to Australia
Be Pragmatic with an Innovative Mindset
Inspiring Dreams and Nurturing Talent
Serving as Three Centres and a Hub
Striving Hard for Continuous Improvement
Seizing Opportunities and Striving for Innovation and High-quality Development
Opening up New Markets with Thematic Exhibitions
Embrace Change and Move Forward with Imagination and Perseverance
Attracting Capital and Creating Wealth for Businesses and People
27th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to Motherland: Financial Services and I&T Will Lead Our Way to Future
Deepening Engagement to Enhance Hong Kong's Competitive Advantages
Adding Colours to Our Life
Channelling Capital to Expedite the Development of the Innovation and Technology Ecosystem
Bay to Bay Dialogue for Local Action
Distance No Barrier to People with Common Aspirations
Strengthening Our Fundamentals to Achieve Higher-quality Development
Engaging Global Talent and Promoting International Co-operation
Leveraging the Power of Innovation and Hong Kong’s Unique Strengths
Striving to Open up New Horizons on Shifting Landscape
My visit to Hangzhou and Suzhou
Expediting the Development of Digital Economy
Intellectual Property Protection and Trading
Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises
Building a Vibrant Economy and Striving for Development
Seeking New Opportunities in a Changing World
Accelerate the Development of New Quality Productive Forces
Advance with Confidence and Seize Opportunities
Colour for the Budget
Green Development
Soar into Year of the Dragon!
Powering industry-oriented development through innovation and technology
Promoting Mega Event Economy
My visit to Davos
Telling good stories of Hong Kong
Budget Consultation
Marching Ahead amid Changes
Festival Wishes
Let’s grow the pie together
It all starts with your vote
Opening up new markets and attracting new capital
Attracting Businesses and Talent for a Better Economy and Vote at DC Election for a Better Community
Some Observations from the APEC Meetings
Connecting with the World and Making Friends
Ride out the turbulent waves
Industrialisation as the driver of development
New Stage of High-Quality Belt and Road Initiative Cooperation
Working for win-win co-operation
Launching OASES Partnership to generate synergy and development
Striving Ahead and Embarking on a New Journey
My visit to France and the UK
Boosting local market sentiment and fostering international ties
Infrastructure Financing Centre for the Belt and Road
Enhancing Stock Market Liquidity and Showcasing Hong Kong's New Advantages
Entertainment Goes Beyond Boundaries with Web3
A New Chapter for Airport City
Consolidating Economic Recovery and Opening Up New Horizons
Attracting Strategic Enterprises and Unleashing I&T Power
Reinforcing Recovery Momentum and Creating Strong Impetus for Growth
Streamlining procedures, expediting land production
Happy Spending Let's Boost Our Digital Economy
Sharing the Fun and Forging Ahead
Fine-tuning mortgage arrangements
Celebrating the 26th Anniversary of Our Return to the Motherland
The Economy in the First Year of New Era
Striving for Innovation and Technology
The Launch of Dual Counter Model in Hong Kong's Stock Market
A Bumpy Path to Recovery
Facilitating Travel and Creating Development Capacity under an Infrastructure-led Approach
Boosting the Gourmet Economy and Unleashing Young People's Potential through Vocational Training
Expand Capacity through Proactive and Advance Planning
Injecting energy into the economy and enhancing efficacy of district work
Taste the Joy Share the Fun
Visit to Beijing
Safeguarding national security and striving for Hong Kong’s economic development
Developing Web3 with innovation and steadiness
My visit to Malaysia and Singapore
Wealth for Good in Hong Kong
New development in Sports - Urban Sports
深入學習兩會精神 更好貢獻強國建設 (Chinese only)
Some thoughts on the Two Sessions
National rejuvenation – the best safeguard for Hong Kong’s development
Opening of the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress
Multiple Pathways to Creativity
Be the Green Leader
Colour decode
With recovery in sight, let’s go forward
With full resumption of normal travel, let’s grasp the opportunities and stabilise the economic recovery momentum
Adopting the right fiscal policy at the right time
Here comes the Year of the Rabbit
Fostering more inclusive and resilient global development for all
The Strengths of Hong Kong as a Dynamic and Vibrant City
2023 economic outlook
Hope for the Future
Making Good Use of Resources to Paint a Brighter Future for Hong Kong
Plan ahead to promote development
Some Thoughts on Learning the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China – Hong Kong’s Efforts to Contribute to Chinese-style Modernisation
Promoting the development of high value-added maritime cluster
Promoting cooperation for peace and inclusive development
Taking forward the virtual asset industry development in Hong Kong steadily and prudently
Global Financial Leaders’ Investment Summit 2022”
Duty visit to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain
Better integration of a capable government and an efficient market
Actively Integrate into the Overall Development of Our Country and Participate in the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation
The 20th National Congress in Focus – Together We Embark on a New Journey
The I&T Development in Hong Kong
The development of Hong Kong as an international financial centre
Let’s celebrate the National Day and start a new chapter together
Surrounded by stormy weather, Hong Kong heads for sunny days
Going forward with prudent fiscal management
Let's talk about Silver Bond
Milestones of Mutual Market Access
Implementing Targeted Anti-epidemic Measures and Resolving Challenges Pragmatically
Go Forward under Pressure, Seek Progress While Maintaining Stability
Together we will overcome the challenges
Let's spend more together to boost the economy
Short-term economic outlook amid rising interest rates
Responding to economic and financial volatility with prudence
Applying for review under the Consumption Voucher Scheme
Making best efforts to deliver tangible results
Starting a new chapter & forging new success
全力聚焦謀發展 良政善治開新篇 (Chinese Only)
行而不輟 未來可期 (Chinese Only)
New starting point for a new journey
倍添意義的慶回歸大會暨就職典禮 (Chinese Only)
25 Years of Forging Ahead
From Consumption Vouchers to Digital Economy
Deepening Hong Kong’s development as an international financial centre
Stability to prosperity
A snapshot of our economic situation
Revised GDP growth forecast for 2022
Walking together
Deepening the development of e-payment
Stay alert to external risks amid economic recovery
Safeguarding national security together
A more inclusive development
Consumption Vouchers under Phase I
A stormy Q1
Convoying the economy with all-out effort
There is always a rainbow after the rain
Ensuring continuous and effective operation of our financial market amid anti-epidemic work
Supporting each other on the same boat
To be people-oriented and achieve stability while pursuing progress
Curbing the epidemic is the overriding mission at present
Making best efforts to manage risks and stabilise social situation
Gear up to fight the virus together
Happy Chinese New Year
新春感言 (Chinese only)
To progress steadily with determination and confidence
Consultation exercise for the Budget
Fight the virus together for sooner recovery
A new paradigm in 2022
2022-23 Budget Consultation
Determined in our own path toward democracy
A new chapter for good governance
Casting your vote for Hong Kong
Let's join hands to achieve good governance
Your participation matters
Constitution Day
LegCo election – a new paradigm
Promoting Green Development of Financial Services
Progressing towards the second centennial goal
Budget under the new phase of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Economy in 2021
Promoting a more balanced and inclusive economic development
Hong Kong’s opportunities in Bridging the world
A new development paradigm with South-North dual engine
Celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China
Prevent external intervention to protect Hong Kong's prosperity
Moving towards governance and prosperity
New stage, new space, new development
To make every effort in each step
Aligning mindset and vision
Overarching planning, steady progression
Safeguarding Hong Kong
Spend smart and enjoy the concessions
Governing for the people
Working together to get rid of subdivided flats
Hand in hand
Heading towards 5 million
Gear Up for Easy Registration
Staying abreast with the times and keeping our mission firmly in mind
Electronic consumption voucher
Financial measures benefitting the public
Taking pride in being part of the construction industry
The new milestone for governance and prosperity
Multi-pronged approach to handle problem proactively
Decarbonisation and financial opportunities
Pressing ahead towards economic recovery
Keep up the effort
Get vaccinated to protect yourself and our home
Economic security and national security
Electronic consumption voucher scheme
Preserve One Country, Two Systems, enhance stability and prosperity
Providing full support for economic recovery
The 14th Five-Year Plan and Opportunities to Hong Kong
A few thoughts after attending the session on “Improving the electoral system”
Plugging the loopholes for effective governance
The steadfast and successful implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”
Some elaborations on the Budget
A few words before the Budget
Developing a liveable city
Towards carbon neutrality
Developing green and sustainable finance
Promoting innovation and technology development
The economy and livelihoods amid the epidemic
Public consultation of the Budget
Outlook for 2021
Farewell 2020
Season's wishes
The uneasy journey in fighting the pandemic
Finding a new way out amid the evolving environment
The Right Policy at the Right Time
Safeguard the bottom-line and make way for the future
To unite and move forward
Statistics of Hong Kong
Our country's new development phase
The key to economic recovery
Work together, go hand in hand for mutual benefits
Living with the epidemic
iBond 2020
Our unique role as a gateway
Progress ahead steadily
Striving for zero infections from untraceable cases
Epidemic control and innovation & technology
Together we fight the virus
Joining the testing programme for everyone’s health
Adjusting to the "New Normal"
Striving to become stronger amid threats
Battle against the pandemic
A bumpy road to recovery
Safeguarding Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity
Fighting a two-front battle
Happy consumption to boost our economy
Towards a new phase
Father’s Day wishes
Boosting the economy together through consumption
Grasping the opportunities
Keep calm amid changes
National security and Hong Kong’s future
The biggest obstacle to recovery
Silver lining on the Mother's Day
Unity in turmoil
Financial security amid violent acts and the pandemic
We shall overcome
Stabilising the economy while fighting against the pandemic
Supporting enterprises, safeguarding jobs
The pandemic and the Economy
To save our economic vitality
Sailing against headwinds
Tough Challenge
Reaching out
Thanks for your views
Deficit budget
Economic challenges under the virus outbreak
Fighting against the disease together
Together we fight the disease
Public Finance Sustainability
Buzz… Work in Progress
It's easy to destroy but hard to build
Stepping into 2020
Alleviating cash flow problem and helping tide over with hope
Buzz ... your comments matter
Preparing the Budget under stormy weather
Efforts to Lead the Way
Love for Hong Kong
Say No to “Burning Together”
Marching forward with both offensive and defensive strategies
Stop the violence and move forward
Strong gale and torrential rain
It never rains but it pours
Rein in the horse at the brink
Public Safety
Written in the end of the third quarter of 2019
Logistics, Commerce and Information Technology
Strategy and Governance of Public Works Projects
Setting aside differences to move forward
First day of school
Safeguarding jobs
4‧3‧2‧1‧0 …
Tiding over difficult times together
Risk of Recession
Internal and External Threats
Removing tax barriers to raise competitiveness
Trip to Luxembourg
Public Sentiment
Think out of the box
Nurturing talent and more
Guarding Hong Kong
Glamorous Hong Kong
Riding out the storm together
Application of Innovation and Technology
Moving steadily forward
Diversified cultivation
International cooperation on green finance
Economic outlook for the first quarter
Pursuing a continuing and stabilized financial security
From Seattle to San Francisco
Urban Forestry Support Fund
Milestone in our Banking Industry
Partnership to enhance self-reliance
Junior Financial Secretary
Film heritage
A positive mind in resolving problems
Secret of the colour
Turbulent times
Community wisdom
New Year Market
The Story of Hong Kong
Financial Literacy
Modular Integrated Construction
Relaxing harsh measures?
Moving forward to next year
Public consultation
Hong Kong as a Tourism Hub
Your suggestions matter
G20 Leaders’ Summit
Safeguarding fair competition
The glorious and momentous days
Era of 5G
From an I&T award presentation ceremony to I&T development
Events, Culture and Living Culture Tour
Visit to Papua New Guinea
The ever changing market
Inheritance and Innovation for Construction Industry
Faster Payment System
Beware on risk with the increase of interest rate
Opportunities for Insurance
Innovation and technology development in Israel
My first official visit to Israel
Promoting development of Hong Kong’s e-sports industry
Hong Kong’s “Re-industrialisation”
Sustaining progressive economic growth of Hong Kong
Visiting the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area
“Be a government official for a day”
Getting prepared for challenges ahead
FIFA World Cup
The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Annuity Plan
New initiatives on housing
Visit to Beijing
New impetus for old districts
“Leveraging the Mainland while Engaging the World”
Revisiting Ireland
China International Big Data Industry Expo
Gaining momentum in Innovation and Technology development
Striving for continuous growth
Asian Development Bank 2030 Strategy
A new era of financial services
Shaping Our Future: Project WeCan Career
Hong Kong can rise up to the challenges
2018 Hong Kong SciFest
US-China trade conflicts
Caring and Sharing Scheme
Caring for the elderly
Supporting the young people to realise their potential
2018-19 Budget: Caring and sharing
2018-19 Budget
Signs of recovery for tourism sector
Supporting the underprivileged community
A new chapter of reclamation in Hong Kong
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area: Massive opportunities for young people
China: 40 years of reform and opening-up (II)
China: 40 years of reform and opening-up (I)
Contemplating the 2018-19 Budget
Hong Kong Economy: 2017 in review
My Christmas wish: give young people hope
Meeting the “Young Financial Secretaries”
Latest development of international tax regime
Enhancing Hong Kong's competitiveness while upholding market quality
Recognising the “Grey Rhino”
Hong Kong’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival 2017
“ACG+ Capital Project”
Hong Kong Fintech Week
APEC Finance Ministers' Meeting
Visit to Washington, DC
Promoting sustained development of the tourism industry
Guardian angels of young people
Booming asset and wealth management business in Hong Kong
Enhancing competitiveness of Hong Kong’s listing platform
Positive energy for Hong Kong
Safeguarding our home: Drainage infrastructure of Hong Kong
Visit to Hubei, Hunan and Henan
Flourishing FinTech community in the Cyberport
Maintaining Hong Kong’s robust financial regulatory regime
Private housing market in Hong Kong
Visit to Indonesia
Innovation and technology startups: new engine for Hong Kong’s economy
Never stop striving for excellence
Hamburg G20 Summit
"Together • Progress • Opportunity"
Serving Hong Kong as a team
Visit to Jeju
Driving Hong Kong forward: continued investment in infrastructure
Hong Kong’s competitiveness: No room for complacency
Downgrading Hong Kong’s credit rating questionable and unjustified
Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
Smart city Smart Hong Kong
Rising Asia: huge opportunities for Hong Kong
Buying properties using other’s identities for alleviating tax duty is an offence
Creative tax policies to foster growth
Life annuity scheme for Hong Kong people
I&T: a new engine to power Hong Kong’s economic development
Happy gatherings with the elderly and young families
Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2017
US interest-rate normalization could be faster than expected
Putting our heads together for building a better Hong Kong
Investing in infrastructure for our future
Letter to Hong Kong — A Letter to My Father
Three Days to Go!
Building a Caring Society Together
New Year New Outlook
Golden Roosters Usher in a Happy New Year
Pulling out all Stops to Work for the Future of Hong Kong